The beauty of the web lies in its longevity and flexibility. Time never stands still in Web development, and the more time you spend on the Web, the more frantic the pace seems to become. Some of you might have started developing websites a while back, others have jumped into Web design just recently; but all of you have probably seen techniques and practices coming and going, tools and libraries praised and neglected, trends appearing and falling over the cliff.


The beauty of the web lies in its longevity and flexibility. Time never stands still in Web development, and the more time you spend on the Web, the more frantic the pace seems to become. Some of you might have started developing websites a while back, others have jumped into Web design just recently; but all of you have probably seen techniques and practices coming and going, tools and libraries praised and neglected, trends appearing and falling over the cliff.

The Web is dynamic and versatile coding techniques aren’t black or white, and our decisions always emerge from those shady gray areas. There are no perfect solutions, and usually it’s a matter of reaching a sound compromise within given constraints. Web design today requires pragmatic, open-minded approaches.

This book will not change everything you know about Web design and development. Neither will it revolutionize your workflow or your tools. But hopefully it will challenge you to think a bit differently about how you approach design problems and how to meaningfully solve them in real life. Smashing Book #4 is a practical book for professional designers and Web developers.

It doesn’t discuss flat design or skeuomorphism, and it isn’t concerned with visual styles or trends. With New Perspectives on Web Design, we want to explore handy techniques and smart strategies derived from actual projects.

Covering both technical and design aspects of Web design, this book provides insights into scalable front-end architecture, obscure back-end tricks, responsible responsive Web design and performance optimization, but also adaptive interfaces, Web typography, content strategy, customer support, the creative process, and the psychology of human behavior on the Web.

We can’t foresee what is coming up next. But we can look closely at the state of the art today, and keep improving our workflow with small, gradual enhancements learning from our colleagues and from our own experiences. And this is exactly why this book exists to keep up with, enrich and improve the wonderful, flexible, unpredictable Web that has become an integral part of our lives over all these years.


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