Mastering Web Application

AngularJS is a relatively new JavaScript MVC framework, but it is the real game changer. It has a novel approach to templating and bi-directional data binding which makes the framework very powerful and easy to use.


AngularJS is a relatively new JavaScript MVC framework, but it is the real game changer. It has a novel approach to templating and bi-directional data binding which makes the framework very powerful and easy to use.

People constantly report a dramatic reduction in the number of lines of code needed in applications using AngularJS as compared to other approaches.

AngularJS is an outstanding piece of engineering. With its strong emphasis on testing and code quality it promotes good practices for the entire JavaScript ecosystem. Given the quality and novelty of the technology, it is not surprising to see that many people are attracted to the framework, creating a very vibrant and supportive community around AngularJS, which contributes to its growing popularity.

As AngularJS becomes more and more popular, people will start to use it in complex projects. But you will soon face problems that are not solved in the standard documentation or in the simple examples found on the Web. AngularJS, as any other technology, has its own set of idioms, patterns, and best practices that have been uncovered by the community, based on their collective experiences.

This is where this book comes in it aims to show how to write non-trivial AngularJS applications in a canonical way.

Instead of describing how the framework works, this book focuses on how to use AngularJS to write a complex web application. It provides real answers to real questions being asked by the AngularJS community. In short, this is a book written for application developers, by application developers, and based on real developer’s questions.

In this book you will learn:

• How to build a complete, robust application using existing AngularJS services and directives.

• How to extend AngularJS (directives, services, filters) when there is no out of-the-box solution.

• How to set up a high-quality AngularJS development project (code organization, build, testing, performance tuning)


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