Beginning AngularJS
If you want to learn AngularJS, then you will need to know JavaScript. However, you don’t have to be a JavaScript expert.
Building A Website For Dummies
Maybe you already have your own Web site and you’re not quite satisfied with it. Or perhaps you’re still in the planning stages and want to know what you can do to make your site as good as it can be.
C# Tutorial – Tutorials For Swing, Objective C, Android
C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft and approved by European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
C++ Notes For Professionals
This C++ Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, see credits at the end of this book whom contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified This is an unofficial free book created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with official C++ group(s) or company(s) nor Stack Overflow.
Developing 2D Games With Unity: Independent Game Programming With C#
My video game “history” started in the public library when I discovered a series of beat-up, paperback books with titles resembling, “How to Write Your Own Computer Games in BASIC.” By copying code from the book into an editor, I was able to create rudimentary adventure games.
Excel VBA Programming For Dummies
Greetings, prospective Excel programmer. Thanks for buying my book. I think you’ll find that it offers a fast, enjoyable way to discover the ins and outs of Microsoft Excel programming. Even if you don’t have the foggiest idea of what programming is all about, this book can help you make Excel jump through hoops in no time (well, it will take some time).
Expert Spring MVC And Web Flow
I can still remember the time I first realized what the Spring Framework was and how it could help me. I was tasked with building a web application that will register new businesses with the local government, and being a Java shop, this meant the standard set of frameworks at the time: Struts, Java Server Pages (JSP), and hibernate. Having built many applications with these technologies, we dove right into development. When beginning a new application, I always want to improve a few things from the last product development cycle.
Functional Programming In C#
Today, functional programming (FP) is no longer brooding in the research departments of universities; it has become an important and exciting part of mainstream programming.
Hardware Hacking
This book teaches you how to tickle electronics. It is a guide to the creative transformation of consumer electronic technology for alternative use. We live in a cut and paste world: Control-X and Control-V give us the freedom to rearrange words, pictures, video and sound to transform any old thing into our new thing with tremendous ease and power. But, by and large, this is also an “off-line” world, whose digital tools, as powerful as they might be, are more suitable to preparing texts, photo albums, movies and CDs in private, rather than on stage.
Java Programming Language Handbook
Introducing Java Java has swept the computer industry with its promise to deliver executable content to the vast sea of computers connected to the World Wide Web. Here’s a look at why you’ll want to start developing with this language as soon as you can. In just a few months, Java has moved from the R&D labs at Sun Microsystems to the center stage of the World Wide Web. Never before had a simple programming language garnered so much attention and captured the imaginations of so many software developers and computer users alike so quickly.
Learn C++ Programming Language: Become A Complete C++ Programmer
C++ feels like a new language. That is, I can express my ideas more clearly, more simply, and more directly in C++11 than I could in C++98. Furthermore, the resulting programs are better checked by the compiler and run faster. In this book, I aim for completeness. I describe every language feature and standard library component that a professional programmer is likely to need.
Mastering Web Application
AngularJS is a relatively new JavaScript MVC framework, but it is the real game changer. It has a novel approach to templating and bi-directional data binding which makes the framework very powerful and easy to use.
MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming
Creating software applications typically involves designing the application data and implementing operations performed on that data. Procedural programs pass data to functions, which perform the necessary operations on the data.
Neuro Linguistic Programming
All able-bodied humans are born with the same basic neurological system. Your neurological system transmits the information you receive from your environment through your senses to your brain.
The beauty of the web lies in its longevity and flexibility. Time never stands still in Web development, and the more time you spend on the Web, the more frantic the pace seems to become. Some of you might have started developing websites a while back, others have jumped into Web design just recently; but all of you have probably seen techniques and practices coming and going, tools and libraries praised and neglected, trends appearing and falling over the cliff.
Object Oriented Programming Using C#
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of “objects,” which are instances of classes. In the context of C#, which is an object-oriented programming language
Programming And Graphics
Computers are intelligent devices that mimic human behavior with respect to remembering data and events, processing information, and making logical decisions. Information is stored, recalled, manipulated, and combined in their circuitry to achieve a desired effect.
The Ultimate Way To Learn The Fundamentals Of The C Language.
Stuff you need to know about language levels. Programming languages have different levels, depending on how much they resemble human Languages. Programming languages that use common words and are relatively easy for most folks to read and study are called high level languages.
UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook
The Unreal Engine was first introduced to the gaming landscape in 1998 through Epic’s first-person shooter, Unreal. While the core of it is written in C++, Epic managed to craft a language of their own, called Unreal Script, which is similar to Java in a number of ways.
VHDL Programming
This is the fourth version of the book, and this version now not only provides VHDL language coverage but design methodology information as well.