• After Dark

    A series of tales supposed to be told to a portrait-painter by his sitters; the framework tells us how he came to think of publishing the stories thus collected; the introductions describe the circumstances under which the tales were told. These portions have a delicate every-day interest. The tales are stories of adventure, well varied, and often striking in the incidents, or with thrilling situations; and are as pleasant reading as a novel reader could desire.

  • L’abîme

    Translation of No Thoroughfare by Madame Judith de la Comédie Française. Book Excerpt ant. Alors, baissant de nouveau son voile, elle passe. Elle passe bien vite et s’enfuit sans regarder en arrière.

  • My Lady’s Money

    The first canine detective story. Book Excerpt with his well-bred insolence. “What a chaste gayety of color!” “What do you want?” asked her Ladyship, not in the least softened by the compliment. “I want to pay my respects to my dear aunt,” Felix answered, perfectly impenetrable to his ungracious reception, and perfectly comfortable in a spacious arm-chair.