Showing 41–60 of 189 results

  • CRK JAMB Past Questions

    Details about “CRK JAMB Past Questions” encompass historical examination inquiries in the Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) subject, which were administered during the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

  • CVE 306 (Design of Timber) Notes

    The design of timber structures involves the application of engineering principles to create safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing buildings or components using timber as the primary construction material. Timber, or wood, has been a traditional building material for centuries due to its versatility, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal.

  • Dead Poets Society

    Inside the stone chapel of Welton Academy, a private school nestled in the remote hills of Vermont, more than three hundred boys, all wearing the academy blazer, sat on either side of the long aisle, surrounded by proud-faced parents, and waited. They heard the reverberations of the bagpipes as a short, elderly man swathed in flowing robes lit a candle and led a procession of students carrying banners, robed teachers, and alumnae down a long slate hallway into the venerable chapel. The four boys who carried banners marched solemnly to the dais, followed slowly by the elderly men, the last of whom proudly carried the lighted candle. Headmaster Gale Nolan, a husky man in his early sixties, stood at the podium watching expectantly as the procession concluded. “Ladies and gentlemen… boys….”he said dramatically, pointing toward the man with the candle. “The light of knowledge.” The audience applauded politely as the older gentleman stepped slowly forward with the candle. The bagpiper marched in place at the corner of the dais, and the four banner carriers, lowering their flags that read, “Tradition,“ “Honor,“ “Discipline,” and “Excellence,” quietly took seats with the audience. The gentleman with the candle walked to the front of the audience where the youngest students sat holding unlit candles. Slowly, he bent forward, lighting the candle of the first student on the aisle.


  • Developing 2D Games With Unity: Independent Game Programming With C#

    My video game “history” started in the public library when I discovered a series of beat-up, paperback books with titles resembling, “How to Write Your Own Computer Games in BASIC.” By copying code from the book into an editor, I was able to create rudimentary adventure games.

  • Displaced

    When Kevin Murdock, martial artist and outdoorsman extraordinaire, is revived from suspended animation aboard a transport pod, he and his nine fellow occupants have no idea what to expect. Murdock argues for caution after seeing something strange: animals also inhabit their new environment, all of them larger than their Earthly counterparts. Conflict soon erupts between Murdock and James Whittier – a politician with a lust for power and control.

  • DIY Destiny

    Do-it-yourself fortune telling methods to help improve all aspects of your life, from money and work to love and romance.

  • Eclipse

    Bella?’Edward’s soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, and kissed me again. His kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine – like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us.

  • Economics JAMB Past Questions

    “Economics JAMB Past Questions” refers to a compilation of historical exam questions from the subject of Economics that have appeared in previous editions of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

  • Encyclopedia Of Biology

    Despite the often-extreme specialization and intimate knowledge required to make a contribution to science, most scientific disciplines are quick to adapt new technologies and advances developed from other fields. Inevitably, a new vocabulary follows these advances, the purpose of which is to convey meaning with a word that once required a descriptive paragraph or even a page.

  • Entrepreneurial Finance

    It is morning at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee, a place where young crooners from Charlie Pride and Johnny Cash to Garth Brooks and the Dixie Chicks have realized their dreams. Not far away is the Grand Ole Opry—country music’s equivalent of the Broadway stage—and a full day of work is about to begin. But this morning, the visitors have business, not music, on their minds.

  • Exactly What To Say

    Let’s face it, the success or failure of almost every human interaction is effected by the ability to choose the exact right words at the exact right time. Hard work, talent and perfect timing can all have great impact on your success, yet without the ability to steer a conversation and create an agreeable outcome so much effort is wasted. If you have ever found yourself lost for words, or have come away from a conversation without the result you are looking for, then the wisdom in this book delivers you both principles and exact examples to allow you to grow your confidence in conversation.

  • Excel VBA Programming For Dummies

    Greetings, prospective Excel programmer. Thanks for buying my book. I think you’ll find that it offers a fast, enjoyable way to discover the ins and outs of Microsoft Excel programming. Even if you don’t have the foggiest idea of what programming is all about, this book can help you make Excel jump through hoops in no time (well, it will take some time).

  • Expert Spring MVC And Web Flow

    I can still remember the time I first realized what the Spring Framework was and how it could help me. I was tasked with building a web application that will register new businesses with the local government, and being a Java shop, this meant the standard set of frameworks at the time: Struts, Java Server Pages (JSP), and hibernate. Having built many applications with these technologies, we dove right into development. When beginning a new application, I always want to improve a few things from the last product development cycle.

  • Family Album

    The sun was so brilliant nearly everyone was squinting, though it was only eleven o’clock in the morning. The tiniest of breezes ruffled the women’s hair. The day was so beautiful there was a kind of agony to it, an amazing silence, and all one could hear in the silences were birds, a quiet chirping, a sudden shrieking, and the overwhelming smell of flowers … lily of the valley, gardenias, freesia, buried in a carpet of moss. But Ward Thayer saw none of it and he seemed to hear nothing at all.

  • FINANCE Advanced Modelling

    We hope that our text, Advanced Modelling in Finance, is conclusive proof that a wide range of models can now be successfully implemented using spreadsheets. The models range across the complete spectrum of finance including equities, equity options and bond options spanning developments from the early fifties to the late nineties.

  • Financing Real Estate Investments

    Real estate investing is an expensive habit. You need money to finance the purchase, renovate your fixer-upper, and cover the holding costs while you prepare to sell or rent the property. The good news is that it doesn’t all have to be your money.

  • Fire & Water (Mechanical Dragons)

    Mixing magic and inexperience may result in dragons! Khaly accidentally brought her school project to life. And now she has a dragon. Khaly knew something was wrong when the dragon wasn’t where she left it. She had no idea how it happened or that it was her fault. But now Khaly must run because the Guild was coming for her.

  • Food Microbiology

    Microbiology is the science which includes the study of the occurrence and significance of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae which are the beginning and ending of intricate food chains upon which all life depends. Most food chains begin wherever photosynthetic organisms can trap light energy and use it to synthesize large molecules from carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts forming the proteins, fats and carbohydrates which all other living creatures use for food.

  • Functional Programming In C#

    Today, functional programming (FP) is no longer brooding in the research departments of universities; it has become an important and exciting part of mainstream programming.

  • Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Text Book

    Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Text Book (Ninth edition), we build on the core features that have made the text the global leader in engineering thermodynamics education.