BIO 101: Test Yourself Questions
BIO 101, General Biology (Unijos Test yourself questions), is based on an introductory course that explores fundamental biological concepts, including the characteristics of living organisms, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and ecological interactions. It provides a foundation for understanding the principles of life at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.
Biology – National Curriculum Development Centre
The major reason for undertaking this new approach to teaching learning Sciences and Mathematics at O level is to improve the academic achievements and interest of learners.
Biology JAMB Past Questions
Past questions from the subject of Biology for JAMB examinations. You have been provided the JAMB past questions on Biology PDF to download completely free of charge.
Encyclopedia Of Biology
Despite the often-extreme specialization and intimate knowledge required to make a contribution to science, most scientific disciplines are quick to adapt new technologies and advances developed from other fields. Inevitably, a new vocabulary follows these advances, the purpose of which is to convey meaning with a word that once required a descriptive paragraph or even a page.
Food Microbiology
Microbiology is the science which includes the study of the occurrence and significance of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae which are the beginning and ending of intricate food chains upon which all life depends. Most food chains begin wherever photosynthetic organisms can trap light energy and use it to synthesize large molecules from carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts forming the proteins, fats and carbohydrates which all other living creatures use for food.
Fungal Biology
Fungal Biology (4th edition) is the successor to three previous editions of “Modern Mycology.” The text has been fully updated and expanded to cover many new developments in fungal biology. Each of the 17 chapters is largely independent, with a clear theme and cross-referencing, so that the text can be used to focus on selected topics.
Genes, Hearing, And Deafness
Frequently, hearing impairment has been considered to require no more than the provision of a hearing aid, with little understanding of the need for thorough aetiological investigation to ensure prevention and remediation where possible and structured rehabilitation programmes, if the distressing personal and social consequences of hearing impairment are to be avoided.
Microbiology Demystified
When you hear the words “germ,” “bacteria,” and “virus” you might cringe, running for the nearest sink to wash your hands. These words may bring back memories of when you caught a cold or the flu never a pleasant experience. Germs, bacteria, viruses and other microscopic organisms are called microorganisms, or microbes for short. And as you’ll learn throughout this book, some microbes cause disease while others help fight it.
Oxidation And Antioxidants In Organic Chemistry And Biology
Oxidation of organic compounds by dioxygen is a phenomenon of exceptional importance in nature, technology, and life. The liquid-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons forms the basis of several efficient technological synthetic processes such as the production of phenol via cumene oxidation, cyclohexanone from cyclohexane, styrene oxide from ethylbenzene, etc.
Philosophy Of Biology
Philosophy of Biology has taken flight in the last quarter of the twentieth century. In very large part, of course, this is because biology itself has made huge strides in this period of time. Not only has it taken large strides, but it has done so in a way that it has made it a player in many of the largest public issues of the day DNA, cloning, evolution, evolutionary psychology It is not an exaggeration either to say that Darwin, cloning, and DNA now occupy as much space in academic and intellectual conversations as Shakespeare or the Bible.
Plant Biology
Plant science has always been a fundamental area of biology, but the emphasis in the subject has changed radically in the last two decades with a plethora of new information, much of it deriving from techniques in molecular biology.
Principals And Techniques Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
In designing the content of this latest edition, we continued our previous policy of placing emphasis on the recommendations we have received from colleagues and academics outside our university.
Systems Biology
This textbook on collaborative research in bioinformatics and systems biology, which are key elements of modern biology and health research, highlights and provides access to many of the methods, environments, results and resources involved, including integral laboratory data generation and experimentation and clinical activities. Collaborative projects embody a research paradigm that connects many of the top scientists, institutions, their resources and research across Europe and the world, resulting in world-class contributions to bioinformatics and systems biology.
The Biology And Culture Of Tilapias
Tilapias are a major protein source in many of the developing countries. Although endemic to Africa, their distribution has been widened by artificial introductions, mainly since the 19508, to include much of the tropics and subtropics.
The Essentials Of Biostatistics For Physicians, Nurses, And Clinicians
I have taught biostatistics in the health sciences and published a book in 2003 with Wiley on that topic. That book is a textbook for upper – level undergraduates and graduate students in the health science departments at universities.
The Microbiology Of Anaerobic Digesters
Completely mixed anaerobic digesters are the most commonly used treatment system in North America for the degradation of municipal sludges. Although these suspended-growth systems are not used as commonly at industrial wastewater treatment plants, more and more industrial plants are using fixed-film anaerobic digesters for the treatment of soluble organic compounds in their wastewaters.
WAEC Biology Past Questions
Below is a compilation of Biology past examination questions to aid in your preparation for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for both School and GCE candidates.